




Ukedream Ukulele-Circle ©  (Copyright)

(Circle of fifth)

Exercise Chords


See also:

Setup of the Ukulele-Circle


Transpose chords with the Ukulele-Circle


You get the Ukulele-Cirkel © in the  Shop



The Ukedream Ukulele-cirkel ©  is the perfect tool to exercise chords

For the beginner as well as the advanced player.



Propably you did already realise that some chords sound together very nicely and other do not fit together.


Following chords  C-mjor-chords sound well together. 

Just try it: 


C ,  F   und G7 


Also minor chords (with a small "m") can sound together very well.

Minor chords sound somewhat melancholic.



Dm , Am , und Em   



You can exercise such rows of chords very easily with the Ukedream Ukulele-Cirkel ©



You start with the Chord and his "relatives": C-F-G7



Then you turn to the key of G. Which has one sharp #




Then you select key of D. Which you can recognize with two sharps ##"



And so on. So you can easily exercise all important chords.



See also:

Setup of the Ukulele-Circle

Transpose chords with the Ukulele-CIrcle